Suggested Fees for the year from September 20234 to July 2025

INCOME BAND <£10K £10K to £17K £17K to £35K >£35K / (PATRON)
PERIOD  of advance payment £ £ £ £
6 weeks 12 30 60 120
12 weeks 24 60 108 220
36 weeks 72 180 288 600

First taster session is free

The suggested figures are the fees based on paying in advance for
 6 weeks,12 weeks or a year ( approx. 36 weeks).

We would very much prefer it paid in advance by BACS to:
East Lancashire Clarion Choir
Sort code     40-15-17
Account Number:  4144  6606

Reference : add your name/s so that we know who has made the payment.

(BACS  or a telephone instruction to your bank are the only cost-free ways of paying money into the choir account.)