Choir Rehearsals


11th September - AGM at 8.30 after singing


18th September

25th September

2nd October

9th October



Seasonal singing at Clarion Tea House

Future Projects


15thSeptember 2024
from 1.00 p.m to 2.00pm

Free 1-hour workshop to support Higherford Mill Heritage week.

Come along and experience learning a song with East Lancs Clarion Choir.

No need to read music - we learn by ear.

Read more about Higherford Mill  here

Clarion Sunday at the Clarion Tea House

Sunday 22nd September 2024


This is the largest annual gathering of Clarion Cyclists and Clarion Choirs.

Seasonal songs  - 22nd December 2024
Singing at the Clarion tea House 

15th March 2025 11.00 till 4.30

Clarion Choir Celebratory Workshop and Concert.

Venue - Unity Wellbeing Centre, Nelson.

This free event is to celebrate our

27 years of singing together as a choir. 
To book click here

Burnley May Day Festival 2025

Townley Park


13th to 15th June -
Street Choirs - Bradford 

Watch out for more information about Chartist Celebrations 2025